One Dimensional Collisions
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
- Study momentum, impulse and collisions.
- Assorted notes:
- Instructions on front table (Note to Jeff: Graph paper not needed; move to the side)
- Follow the directions carefully
- Write all your answers on the instruction sheet
- Please don't mash the clay balls together!
- ======================= Second Board Section =============================
- Don't unplug the force sensors to measure their mass
- Predictions are not graded (as long as you write something)
- Place all force sensor accessories (rubber tip, clay holder, spring bumper), clay balls & cart flag in the box when not in use. Don't leave them on the lab bench!
- ======================= Third Board Section =============================
- Dropping the force sensor (page 2):
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14 Dec 23
Canton, NY 13617