Position vs. Time
& Graphing and Curve Analysis Using Excel
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
- Phys 103L - College Physics Lab (Lecture with Drs. XX & YY)
- Today:
- Note: Mechanics Survey no longer performed; it is left here for future reference!
- Mechanics Survey (20 minutes)
- Do Not write on question sheet
- Do write date and lab section on bubble sheet
- Mon: 103L-01; Tue: 103L-02; Wed: 103L-03; Thur: 103L-04
- Position vs. Time - Understanding Motion
- Graphing & Curve Analysis Using Excel
- Next week:
- Meet in regular room (BH 204 - next to Einstein mural)
- Read the following in Canvas:
- Lab Syllabus
- Using Excel to Create a Lab Journal
- The Motion of Free Fall
- Sample lab journal
======================= Span Second and Third Board Sections =============================
Read & Follow the Instructions Carefully!
(Span both experiment descriptions!)
======================= Second Board Section =============================
- Position vs. Time – Understanding Motion
- Velocity and acceleration: What's the difference?
- Answer the questions that appear throughout exercise. Record your answers directly on the instruction sheet.
- Each person will hand in a copy of their answers
- Predictions are not graded; don't change them to match your measurements
- Tips:
- Hold board in front of you
- Clear a path behind you
- Estimate start position with meter stick, tape measure or trial & error!
======================= Third Board Section =============================
- Graphing & Curve Analysis Using Excel
- Learn the graphing and analysis techniques used this semester
- What is the velocity of the moving object? (Carefully read Analyzing the Graph)

- Plotting D vs. t and getting a linear relationship, so rearrange equation in the form of a straight line:
- D = (v) t
- y = (slope) x + b
- {Draw a small D vs. t graph on board}
- Therefore, the slope equals the velocity
- Print 1 copy of the graph for your group; include all lab partner names.
- Laptops: print in this room by default
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14 Aug 24
Canton, NY 13617