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Spherical Mirrors & Index of Refraction
Blackboard Notes


  • Note to Jeff: Skip experiment purpose- need the blackboard space!
  • ======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

    blackboard image

    ======================= First Board Section =============================

  • One set of maps per group (but each person writes their own journal!)

  • Plane Mirror (Not Used Today!):
  • ======================= Second Board Section =============================

  • Spherical mirror:
  • ======================= Third Board Section =============================

  • Location of image: Concave mirror
  • Concave Mirror

  • Location of image: Convex mirror
  • Convex Mirror

    ======================= Fourth Board Section =============================

  • Refraction: Snell's Law
  • n1 sinθ1 = n2 sinθ2

    where n = c/v

    (c = s.o.l. in vacuum; v = s.o.l. in material)

  • Index of refraction:
  • Refraction
    • {Text not necessary} Ray traveling from lower to higher n; refracted ray bends towards Normal. Travel from higher to lower n, refracted ray bends away.

  • Critical angle: Total internal reflection beyond this angle
  • Refraction
    • {Text not necessary} Ray traveling from higher to lower n; there is some critical angle of incidence (θ1) where θ2 = 90°. At greater angles: Total internal reflection

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    © St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 12 Jun 24 Canton, NY 13617