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Physics 104 Setup Details:
Electrostatic Charges
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Electrostatic materials setup:
Rabbit fur, paper towel, rubber rod, glass rod, electroscope,
charge transfer disk, foil suspended from pendulum clamp by thread

Foil detectors stored on piece of cardboard
(Phys 152 bits shown; 104 similar)
Generator setup
Setup for no charge inside a conductor
(set up on side bench)
Generator detail
Electroscope Detail

Wire connection to small spheres

The hollow sphere and styrofoam ball,
when charged
The hollow sphere
(with carbon-coated styrofoam ball suspended nearby)
Old oscilloscope
An old Tektronix 502A Dual Beam oscilloscope is set up by the blackboard.
Note that plastic cover with grid is removed from scope face


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© St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
Revised: 25 Jan 22 Canton, NY 13617