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Physics 104 Set Up Instructions:
Diffraction and Interference
Lab Directions
BlackBoard Notes

Basic Idea:

Number of setups: Equipment Needed (each setup):

  What: How Many: Where:
Lasers (Diffraction & Interference):
Pasco Optical Bench 8 Majors storeroom, shelf P4
Pasco Optical Bench Screen 8 Majors storeroom, shelf N
Pasco 650 nm Red Diode Laser & power brick 8 Majors storeroom, shelf N
Aperture wheel 4 - single slit
4 - multiple slit
Majors storeroom, shelf N
Sticky notes: "single slit" & "double slit" 4 each Inside box holding aperture wheels
Wavelength of Hydrogen:
Old-style gas tube power supply Photo 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf PP4
Hydrogen gas tube 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf PP3
Masked Cornell Slide 2

Central diffraction grating
d = 32,700 nm

non-Majors storeroom, shelf KK4
Small bulbs in holders 2 Majors storeroom, shelf P2
Meter stick clamp 2 non-Majors storeroom, shelf C3
24" wires (with single connector at end) 4 Ask Jeff - Bewkes 205 (hanging up)
40 volt DC regulated power supply Photo 1 Majors storeroom, shelf C2
36" wires 2 104/152 lab or stockroom
Small rod (50 cm) 2 non-Majors storeroom, shelf A3
Rod base Photo 2 non-Majors storeroom, shelf A5
Metersticks 1 – one meter
1 – two meter
non-Majors storeroom, shelf AA1 & AA2
Meterstick balancing pivots 2 non-Majors storeroom, shelf JJ4
Flashlights 1 or 2 Ask Jeff
Limits of Vision:
2x2 diffraction gratings (slides) 6 non-Majors storeroom, shelf KK4
Incandescent display bulb
(Type T - tubular, 40W)
1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf M2
Bulb socket on-a-stick 1 Majors storeroom, shelf N4
2m Metersticks 6 non-Majors storeroom, shelf AA1 & AA2
Meterstick calipers Photo 3 non-Majors storeroom, shelf AA3
Blue Variac Photo 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf L6
Right-angle clamp Photo 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf B3
Flashlights 1 or 2 Ask Jeff
Blue metal stool 1 In the lab or stockroom

Computers Needed?


Laser setup (Photo Details):



Hydrogen tube setup (Photo Details):

Limits of vision setup (Photo Details):

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    ©Jeffrey R. Miller St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 19 Aug 19 Canton, NY 13617