Kinematics: Constant Acceleration
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
- xstart : Track coordinate at release (does not change)
- xi : Track coordinate at photogate #1 (does not change)
- xf : Track coordinate at photogate #2 (changes)
- y = xf xi
- On sketch, clearly show where you took your measurements to calculate θ!
======================= Second Board Section =============================
- On a frictionless incline:

- Acceleration of block:
- F = ma
- Fg sinθ = may
- (mg)sinθ = may
- ay = g sinθ (the expected acceleration)
======================= Third Board Section =============================
- Model for uniform acceleration:
y = yo + vot + ½ayt2
- Test the model: plot y vs. t, fit a 2nd
order polynomial to the data (show small y vs. t graph; color code to show how they match up):
Model: y = yo + vot + ½ayt2
Kaleidagraph: y = a + bx + cx2
======================= Fourth Board Section =============================
- Compare each parameter (yo, vo, ay) to their expected values. Do they agree within the uncertainty of your mesurements? If not, explain why?
- What is the SSR (and its units) of your fit?
- Stay on track!
- Start to collect data by 2:00 pm
- Finish collecting data, start analysis by 3:00 pm
Return to Setup
Revised: 01 Nov 2022
Canton, NY 13617