Conservation of Linear Momentum
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
- Is momentum conserved in all collisions?
- (Is the total momentum of two carts the same before collision and after collision?)
======================= Second Board Section =============================
- Study two types of collisions:
- Inelastic: carts "stick" together after collision
- Momentum is conserved, kinetic energy is lost.
- {The energy of an object due to its motion: K = ½mv2} (Note: they haven't covered kinetic energy in class yet!)
======================= Third Board Section =============================
- Elastic: carts "bounce"
after collision
- Momentum and kinetic energy are conserved!
- Stay on track!
- Start elastic collisions by 2:45 pm
- Enter data into Excel by 3:30 pm
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Revised: 08 Sep 2023
Canton, NY 13617