The Potential Field of an Electric Dipole
BlackBoard Notes
- Notes for Jeff:
- Draw 4th section first, then the 3rd, to make sure there's enough room for large pics!
- These are essentially the same notes used for the 104 experiment, which hopefully will be performed in this lab the following week. If possible, the 104 group will meet in the 152 lab so these notes won't have to be rewritten, so remember not to erase the board.
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

(Link to January 2022 photo)
======================= First Board Section =============================
- Map the potential field around a pair of "charges"
- Determine direction of some E vectors
- "Step #0":
- Read through "Using a Digital Multimeter" ** A Lab Practical Skill!
- Follow exercise on pg. 4
- Don't Move the Conducting Boards!
======================= Second Board Section =============================
- Conducting paper configuration:
- Set voltmeter precision to measure voltage to 1/10th-V DC (Direct Current)
- (one digit after the decimal)
- Always record all meter settings in your journal
- Turn voltmeter off when finished!
======================= Third Board Section - Leave Room for Two Big Pics! =============================
- The "ideal" potential field around two charges:
- Note for Jeff: Draw Horizontal axis in middle of board; use green color for 0-V reference potential line to match the green connector
======================= Fourth Board Section =============================
- Topographic sketch of potential field:
- Note for Jeff: Use green color for 0-V reference potential line
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03 Jun 24
Canton, NY 13617