Finding Systematic Error
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
- Recall - reults of Ohm's Law experiment:
- Everyone found R1 +
R2 < Rset. Why?

======================= Second Board Section =============================
- From "Ohm's Law" instructions (pg. 2 - Analysis):
- "For most single solid materials at constant temperature, the relation between current and voltage is linear,…"
======================= Third Board Section =============================
- Drude Model of conductivity: σc
∝ nτ
(See Moore, sec. E5.2 and problem E5R.1)
- σc ≡ conductivity ("sigma")
- n ≡
number of charge carriers per m3
- τ ≡ time between collisions ("tau")
- Conductors (metals): τ decreases with increasing Temperature, so σc
decreases, and Resistance increases
- Semiconductors (carbon): τ still decreases (a little) with increasing T,
but n greatly increases, so σc increases and R decreases
======================= Fourth Board Section =============================
- Note that the wire does not connect through the carbon resistor:
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Revised: 07 Mar 2024
Canton, NY 13617