Room setup |

Red lasers on left side of room, aimed at
left hand wall. Four lasers are shown |

The Cornell slide is positioned thusly to aim
laser at desired slits

Two green lasers are set up on the right-
middle bench, aimed at the back wall |

An optical bench is used to hold green lasers
(note that green lasers need special transformer,
the black boxes shown) |

Need three optical bench riders, two lens
holders (to hold laser tube), and burette
clamp (to hold Cornell slide) |

The burette clamp holds the Cornell slide
in position

Cut two small pieces of foam, attach with
masking tape, so that clamp holds slide
securly (Jeff will deal with this!) |

The Cornell slide projector (a "Delineascope"!)
is placed on the front bench, and aimed at
the left side wall

Slide projector, with Cornell slide |

Aim projector at left side wall, to the right
of the coat hangers