Example Recovery Week (Junior/Senior)

Hourly Break-down

If you feel like you need an extra day off to ensure adequate recovery, this is a good week to take it. These hours may be somewhat higher (even though this is a recovery week) than what they will be at school.

Example Workouts


Tuesday: Speed workout- running; general strength

Running Speed:

General strength in the weight room

Wednesday: Easy Classic Rollerski

Warm up 15 minutes
20 minutes single stick
40 minutes double pole
Warm down 15 minutes

Thursday: Easy Swim or Mtn. Bike and General Strength

Swim for 30 minutes, plus 30 minutes general strength in the gym
Swim 30 minutes or bike 1:15
30 minutes general strength in the gym
*Feel free to take today off if you need it*

Friday: Level 3 Skate Rollerski Interval

Warm up 30 minutes (include 15 minutes of no-pole skate and 4x30 seconds of pick-ups)
6(7)x4 minutes skate intervals; 2-3 minutes of recovery time
Warm down 30 minutes

Saturday: Recovery Run and General Strength

Easy run 1.5 hour, plus 30 minutes in the gym

Sunday: Over-distance

Run, hike, or rollerski for 2:30.