Create a new Java class named Lab8
and save it to your P: drive
in a file named
. Add a main
method and
make sure it compiles before you proceed.
method as in
pic.blackAndWhite();it changes the picture
, the object to the left of the "." .
Modify your blackAndWhite
method so that it doesn't modify the actual
picture object but is a function that returns a new picture that is black and white. For example the sequence:
Picture pic = new Picture(path + "sunset.jpg"); Picture pic2 = pic.blackAndWhite(); pic.repaint(); pic2.repaint();should show both the color and black and white version of the sunset.
Picture pic = new Picture(path + "sunset.jpg"); pic.blackAndWhite().repaint();Notice that we are calling the
method on the
object that is returned from blackAndWhite
that enlarges a picture by doubling its width and height. This method should return the new larger
picture. Here is an example of how you would call it.
Picture pic = new Picture(path + "sunset.jpg"); pic.enlarge().repaint();
and enlarge
are methods that return pictures what happens when we do the following? What does the picture look like?
that decreases
the amount of red in the picture by a percentage that is passed as an actual argument. This method
should return a new picture. For example,
pic2 = pic.decreaseRed(1)
the picture pic2
be a picture with all of the red in pic
Calling pic2 = pic.decreaseRed(.25)
should decrease the red by 25%.
that returns a new picture
that is the picture flipped up-side-down.
Picture pic = new Picture(path + "sunset.jpg"); pic.flipVertical().repaint();
that copies a region of a picture starting at the upper left coordinate (x,y) for
and height
For example
Picture pic = new Picture(path + "fish.jpg"); pic.copyRegion(214,3,170,80).repaint();should display a fish extracted from a larger picture.
Picture pic = new Picture(path + "comic.jpg"); pic.copyRegion(10,60,210,20).flipVertical().enlarge().decreaseRed(1).repaint();