CS 219 - Techniques of Computer Science
The prerequisite for this course is CS140.
Required textbook: Learning Java, by Patrick Niemeyer & Jonathan Knudsen. 3rd Edition.
Required Software
Grades are based on a 100 point scale and are derived from the following.
The 100 points above translate to the following GPA points.
Click here to toggle displaying the grade table.Due dates are firm. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due. Late assignments are reduced 10% a day. Programming assignments and circuit simulations will also be submitted on a personal folder that I will create for you on the T: drive.
There will be two mid-term exams and one final exam and several quizzes. The major exams are weighted equally. To determine your overall exam average add up all of the points on your exams and quizzes and divide by the total number of points.
Attendance is mandatory. You will be allowed two absences during the semester. After that your final grade will be reduced by two points per absence.
Please read the university's academic integrity policies in your student handbook.