Study Questions for Quiz 6

  1. Multiply the two four bit numbers 1011 (multiplicand) times 1010 (multiplier) tracing the value of the multiplicand, multiplier, and product after each step.
  2. Multiply the two four bit numbers 1010 (multiplicand) times 1011 (multiplier) tracing the value of the multiplicand, multiplier, and product after each step.
  3. Using the definition of the 1-bit ALU in figure C.5.10 (page 33) in Appendix C that is used in the 32-bit ALU in figure C.5.11 in Appendix C (page 34) what would we set the control lines to if we wanted to compute the bitwise NAND of inputs A and B
  4. Convert the base ten number 0.1 to IEEE single precision format and express your answer in hexadecimal.
  5. Convert the base ten number -0.3 to IEEE single precision format and express your answer in hexadecimal.
  6. What base-ten decimal number does the 32 bit hexadecimal number bf840000 represent, assuming it is interpreted as an IEEE single precision number.
  7. Consider the timing diagram below. Assimg D is the data input, E is the enable (or clock) input, complete the digram for Q.