CS140 Final Exam Project

This is the CS140 Spring 2008 final exam. There are two parts to this final exam. The work for this final exam must be entirely your own work. You should not speak to, chat, consult, e-mail, or communicate in any way with anyone about this program other than the instructor. Doing so constitutes a violation of the academic honor code. This final exam counts 20% towards your final grade (see syllabus). You may use your textbook and any Java code we have written in class or part of lab or homework.

This project is due by 11:30AM on Saturday May 10, the scheduled end of the final exam period for this class.

Part 1 - A Picture Collage

Write a Java program named PictureCollage to create a picture collage. You may only use the images in the CS140 gallery and you must follow the guidelines below.

Here's a hint on how to tackle this assignment. Build up your collage one picture at a time. Put a picture on the window, then show the collage with one picture. Add a another picture to the collage, then show the collage, etc.

  1. Your collage's design should be thought out, not just random images splattered on a window.
  2. You must use at least ten different images in your collage.
  3. Your collage should not have large white areas between the images. Use the collage area carefully placing pictures close to each other or nicely overlaying images on top of each other.
  4. You must use the following methods we developed this semester:

Part 2 - A Sound Collage

In this part of project you are going to implement a sound collage by constructing a single sound file of different sounds that plays for at least fifteen seconds. You may only use the sound files in the CS140 sounds folder.

  1. Your sound collage should be thought out, not "splattered" sounds.
  2. Use the concat method to concatenate sounds to build the collage.
  3. Some small portion of your sound collage (two to three seconds) should be static sound that you generate using Math.random().
  4. About five seconds of your sound file should sound like a crowd at a stadium. Do this by concatentating and adding lots of human voice sounds.
  5. You must use the increaseVolume method we wrote to make two to three seconds of your sound collage loud, but not distorted.
  6. You must use the decreaseVolume method we wrote to make two to three seconds your sound collage sound very quiet but still audible.

What to Turn In

For Part 1, email me your PictureCollage.java file and your Picture.java file with all of the your methods you used in it. Also turn in a stapled printout either under my door or in my mailbox in the math office by 11:30 AM Saturday May 10.

For Part 2, email me your SoundCollage.java file and your Sound.java file. Also turn in a stapled printout either under my door or in my mailbox in the math office by 11:30 AM Saturday May 10.