CS 140 - Homework 11 - Due Wed April 9

In a class named HW11 write a Java program that fills an array with ten doubles that are read from the user (hint: use a scanner method named nextDouble()). Your program should find the largest value, the smallest value, and the average of the array values and print these back to the user nicely (as shown in the sample output below).

Your program should fill in the entire array first before it does the calculation of the largest, smallest, and average values. Your program does not have to work with negative values.

What to turn in

Turn in a stapled printout of your program with you name on at. Also e-mail me your Java file (the file with the .java file extension) before the start of class.

Example execution

Here's an example of what your program might look like when you run it.

Enter ten numbers and I'll compute
some statistics for you.

Enter a number (1): 7
Enter a number (2): 8
Enter a number (3): 99
Enter a number (4): 0
Enter a number (5): 4
Enter a number (6): 3
Enter a number (7): 2
Enter a number (8): 157.456
Enter a number (9): 3.14159
Enter a number (10): 2682679

The largest is: 2682679.0
The smallest is: 0.0
The average is: 268296.259759