Reread pages 19-28 on Java basics.
In this homework we're going to write a simple Java program to calculate your current
average in this course and then print it as a percentage. You should be keeping track of
how many labs and homeworks you have completed and the grade earned.
If you have not been keeping
track start today. Send me an e-mail asking for the info if you don't have it. You program and main class should be named HW8
to hold your
current homework average. We have had
seven homeworks to date. Give yourself zero points if you didn't turn an
assignment in, one point for a check minus, and two points for a check.
That implies the total number of possible homework points to date is 14.
Print your home workaverage nicely as a percentage. For example
Homework average is 85%.
and calculate your lab average and then print a nice message.
We have had eleven labs to date. You get two free attendance/lab misses in this class. Give your self one point for a completed lab, and 1.5 points for a lab done with extra credit. Here are some examples:
My class average is 82%
Your program's final output should look something like
Homework average is 75% Lab average is 98% Exam average is 90% Overall average is 88.6%
CS140 HW 8