CS 140 - Open Lab 3 Instructions

Wednesday January 30


  1. Learn how colors are modeled and encoded.
  2. Learn how digital images can be encoded for processing by a computer.
  3. Learn the basics of creating and exploring a picture in Java.
  4. Learn the basics of editing individual pixels in a picture using Java.

Set Up

  1. One or two students should work at one workstation.
  2. In one student's account follow the instructions in the next section. To help choose whose account to use, pick the student who didn't log in last time. The student who is logged in is the "driver" while the non-driver should actively help by observing, making suggestions, and dictating code. You should trade roles each new open lab session.


Part I - Understanding How Colors Are Encoded

Although colors can be modeled in a variety of ways, our Java classes use the RGB model which represents a color by encoding the amount of red, green, and blue present in that color. In particular, we will use 3 bytes to represent a color: one each for red, green and blue.

  1. Question 1: Knowing that each color (red, green, or blue) is encoded with one byte, how many distinct values can a single primary color have? (i.e. How many levels of blue can be encoded?) Explain why.
  2. Question 2: A complete color (made up of RGB values) is a combination of each of the R, G, and B components. Knowing that each of the individual colors can be encoded with one byte, how many total colors can be represented by the RGB model? Explain why. (Hint: you can think of an RGB color as a 3 byte number).
  3. In order to work with colors in java we need to tell DrJava to load or "import" its color library. Type in the code below in the interactions pane.
       import java.awt.Color;  

    You won't see anything happen but now you're ready to create some colors.

  4. Next we'll play around with the RGB color representation. Start a color picker by typing in the interactions pane:
      Color c = ColorChooser.pickAColor(); 
  5. When the color picker window appears on the screen, select the RGB tab. This tab allows you to play around with the value of the three primary colors by either moving the corresponding sliders or by typing the actual value on the right of each slider.

    The color corresponding to the selected combination of RGB is displayed in the Preview panel at the bottom of the window.

  6. Question 3: For each of the following RGB combinations, enter the values in the color picker window, observe the resulting color, and write down the name/description of that color:
    RGB Combination Color Description
    Red = 255, Green = 0, Blue = 0
    Red = 0, Green = 255, Blue = 0
    Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 255
    Red = 255, Green = 255, Blue = 0
    Red = 255, Green = 0, Blue = 255
    Red = 0, Green = 255, Blue = 255
    Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 0
    Red = 255, Green = 255, Blue = 255
    Red = 100, Green = 100, Blue = 100
  7. Question 4: What happens when the red, green, and blue components of a color all have the same value?
  8. Now choose a combination of RGB that you like and click on the OK button at the bottom of the window. This should save the current color you picked into the object reference c you declared in step 5.
  9. Question 5: Use a System.out.println statement to display the value of c . What is the result?

Part II - Understanding How Digital Images Are Encoded

Images are digitized into many tiny dots called pixels. Each pixel has a location in the picture and an RGB color.

A picture is composed of a rectangular matrix of pixels. It has two dimensions: a width and a height. The location of a pixel is identified by two numbers x and y , where x is the horizontal position in the matrix and y is the vertical position.

The color of each pixel is represented by three bytes in the RGB model.

  1. Question 6: In the interactions pane, execute the command:
      String fileName = FileChooser.pickAFile();

    In the file selection window that appears go to


    And click on the Open button at the bottom of the window. Use System.out.println to print the value of fileName. What is it?

  2. Question 7: Make a new Picture object by passing fileName to the constructor of the Picture class:
       Picture p = new Picture(fileName);  

    Print out the value of p using a println command. What are the dimensions (length and width) of the picture?

  3. Question 8: Given the dimensions of the picture you calculated previously, and the fact that each pixel is encoded as a 3 byte RGB value, how many total bytes of memory are necessary to represent this picture?
  4. There are two methods to display your picture on the screen, p.show() and p.explore(). p.show(); simply displays the picture while p.explore(); allows you to zoom and select pixels to inspect their color.
    1. Type p.show(); in the interactions pane now. Close the window and now
    2. type p.explore(); in the interactions pane.

    You should be able to click anyplace in the image and a little yellow cross will appear to show which pixel you selected. Above the image the values of the RGB components will be displayed. You can also manually type in the x and y coordinates to go to a specific pixel.

  5. Question 9: What are the colors of the pixels at the following locations?
    Pixel Location Red Green Blue
    x = 10, y = 10
    x = 415, y = 405
    x = 225, y = 240
    x = 28, y = 521
  6. Question 10: What are the locations (x and y values) of the following pixels in the picture?
    Pixel X Y
    the top left pixel in the picture
    top right pixel
    bottom left pixel
    bottom right

Part III - Pixel-by-Pixel Manipulation of Pictures

We know that images are large matrices of pixels, each identified by their (x,y) position in the matrix. The Java classes from the book provide a Pixel class which stores information about the color and location of a particular pixel from the original image.

Although you can create individual pixel objects independently of any particular image, you will usually make references to them by pulling them out of an already established Picture.

  1. Question 11: Get a pixel from location x=120, y=150, by using the following statement:
       Pixel pixelObject = p.getPixel(120,150); 

    Print out the value of pixelObject using a println statement. What is displayed?

  2. Question 12: Pixel objects know not only their (x,y) position in the picture, but also their color. You can get the color of a pixel object by accessing its Color object. There are two methods for doing this:
    1. Before you can get a reference to the Color object inside the pixel to view or change it you need to make sure you have imported the Java package java.awt.Color . We did this earlier, but to be sure, you can type this in the interpreter again:
         import java.awt.Color;  

      If you're writing a Java program and you need to import a Java package, include the above import line at the very top of the file before your class definition.

      To get the entire Color object out of the pixel, use the following statement:

         Color colorObj = pixelObject.getColor();  

      What is displayed when you print out the value of colorObj

    2. As an alternative, you can also directly get a Color object from a pixel and call methods on it without making an intermediate object reference. Try the following:

      What is the difference between the outputs of these two statements?

  3. Question 13: To change the color of a Pixel object you can pass it a Color object with a different color. There are several methods you can use to do this.
    1. The most complex (and powerful) method is to create your own new Color object and manually choose each level of color you'd like. Try this:
       Color myNewColor = new Color(0,0,255);

      This line creates a new Color object. You can now use it to change the color of a pixel on your image:


      Run the command p.repaint(); and see if you can see the changed pixel. What color is it? Use the explore method to examine the color at position (451,377).

    2. You can also get a new Color object by using the pickAColor method above. Try this command:

      And pick a color you think will stand out on the image.

      Again, run the command:


      Did you see your new pixel?

    3. Alternatively, you can set colors to some common preset values defined inside the Color class. These include:
      • Color.black
      • Color.yellow
      • Color.blue
      • Color.green
      • Color.red
      • Color.gray
      • Color.orange
      • Color.pink
      • Color.cyan
      • Color.magenta
      • Color.white

      Notice these are not methods since they don't end in (). Instead, these are members (members are like constant values 1, 2, ... or variables) of the Color class and can be accessed directly.

      Try executing this command:


      Follow it up with a:


      See if you can spot the three strangely colored pixels in your image.

  4. Question 14: You'll eventually want to save images that your programs have modified. You do this by invoking the Picture class's method write , like this:

    It's not always clear where the image was saved on your file system. Technically, it's saved under DrJava's "working directory" which is the directory where you are currently editing a .java file in the definitions pane.

    If you're not editing a .java file, DrJava remembers the last place you did, and uses that as your working directory.

    The easiest thing to do in this step is to make a small program that opens a file, edits it, and saves it. We'll place it in your P:\cs140 directory thus forcing the working directory to be the same.

    Copy the following class into the definitions pane (not the interactions pane!):

         import java.awt.Color;
         class SimplePictureEdit {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
              String fileName=
              Picture p = new Picture(fileName);
    p.getPixel(124,125).setColor(Color.yellow); p.getPixel(125,125).setColor(Color.yellow); p.getPixel(125,126).setColor(Color.yellow); p.explore(); p.write("P:\\CS140\\myNewImage.jpg"); } }

    Save this program in your P:\cs140 directory and compile it. When you run this class you should see a picture appear on the screen, and it should save a copy of that picture into P:\cs140\myNewImage.jpg . Before you can be checked off today, you'll need to show your instructor this file.

Extra Credit

Edit your SimplePictureEdit class to draw a little image. Here's a zoomed in example I did where I made a little stick figure. Be creative and do something different, like an intricate shape, a word, your name, etc.

© Rich Sharp (modified by Ed Harcourt)