CS 140 - Lab, Monday February 4


  1. Explore various methods to manipulate pictures, pixels and colors.
  2. Practice writing some new methods and programs in Java.
  3. Learn how to manipulate pixels in an image.

Set Up

  1. One or two students should work at one workstation.
  2. In one student's account follow the instructions in the next section. To help choose whose account to use, pick the student who didn't log in last time. The student who is logged in is the "driver" while the non-driver should actively help by observing, making suggestions, and dictating code. You should trade roles each new open lab session.


Part I - Initial Setup

For this lab you will be writing several methods to extract color information from Picture objects. To be able to compare multiple pictures at the same time, you'll need to make multiple Picture objects of the same image file so you can view them simultaneously.

  1. Create a complete Java program by copying and pasting the code below into the definitiosn pane. Make sure to save it.
          public class Lab4 {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
              String fileName = "T:\\Harcourt\\Spring2008\\CS140\\gallery\\bird.jpg";
              Picture originalPicture = new Picture(fileName);
              // write the rest of the lab code below this comment
  2. Save this class to your P:\cs140 directory, compile it, and run it. You should see a picture of a colorful bird pop up on the screen.
  3. For the rest of this lab, whenever you experiment with a method that modifies the color of a picture, write new code underneath the comment above to make a new picture object (pick a different name than originalPicture ). Call the explore method too. There's an example of what I'm talking about below.

Part II - Extract RGB Channels as Grayscale Images

  1. Below is the definition of extractRedChannel from the previous homework. (There are multiple solutions, it's possible that yours looks different but is still correct.)
          public void extractRedChannel() {
            Pixel[] pixelArray = this.getPixels();
            for (Pixel pixelObj : pixelArray) {
              int value = pixelObj.getRed();
              pixelObj.setColor(new Color(value, value, value));
  2. If you didn't complete this problem on the homework assignment, copy this method into your Picture.java class and recompile now.
  3. Make sure you understand what extractRedChannel does and how it works. If you need help, ask your instructor before continuing.
  4. Now, edit your Lab4 class that you created above to make an additional picture and call the extractRedChannel method above. Add the following lines below the comment line:
          Picture redPicture = new Picture(fileName);

    Recompile, and run your Lab4 class. Two pictures should open, but they may be on top of each other. After moving them around here's what I see on my screen (one in color and one in black and white):

  5. Question 1: Verify that the extractRedChannel method has transformed the picture as expected by choosing several pixels in the color image and comparing them with the pixels in the black and white image. For example, use the explorer to examine pixel (73,64). What is the relationship? Is it what you expected?
  6. Create two new methods in your Picture class nameed extractGreenChannel and extractBlueChannel that extract the green and blue channel, respectively. Use the extractRedChannel method as a guide (that is copy-and-paste :-). Recompile your Picture class.
  7. Add code like you did above in step 4 to create and view two more pictures called greenPicture and bluePicture . This code goes in your Lab4 class. Use them to test out your new methods.
  8. When you recompile and run your Lab4 class you should see 4 pictures pop up on the screen. One in color, and the other three in grayscale representing each of the RGB channels.

    Take some time to look at the differences between the three images.

    Question 2: Look at the red areas in the original pictures, what do these areas look like in the red channel picture?

    Question 3: Similarly, what do the the green and blue channels look like as compared to areas of high green and blue in the original color picture?

Part III - Extract RGB channels as color images

The previous color extractions worked by setting all the RGB components to the same value as whatever color we were interested in. For example, if we encountered a pixel with colors (r=38,b=129,g=92), we would reset all the colors in the pixel to be equal to 38 thus indicating the overall level of red in the image (r=38,g=38,b=38).

  1. This idea is slightly confusing since the resulting image is not actually red, but gray.
  2. In this section you will copy and paste the methods you created above, but rename the copies extractRedChannelRed , extractGreenChannelGreen , and extractBlueChannelBlue . These will extract the R, G, or B, channel and display the resulting channel in that color. So rather than seeing a grayscale image, you'll see the actual colors they're supposed to represent. Here are the results I got once I created all three methods (you may have to go to this document online to see the colors)
  3. Figure out how to modify the bodies of these methods so that rather than creating a gray color, they create the color of the channel you want to see. Hint: in your previous methods you extracted the value you were interested in and set the other two channels to the same value. This time you will do something different with the other two channels. Think about it and ask your instructor if you still can't figure it out.
  4. Once you've got all 6 methods written, edit your main Java class so that it opens 7 pictures:
  5. To get checked off for this lab, arrange all 7 images on your screen so that you know which one is which and show your instructor.

Extra Credit - Extract CMY color information

  1. It's easy to extract RGB information because the colors are directly included in one channel. Extracting the CMY information is slightly harder, but results in cool images.
  2. First note that blue is the complementary color of yellow yellow (255,255,0) + blue (0,0,255) = white (0,0,0). So the yellow in a picture can be retrieved by just subtracting out whatever blue wasn't used.
  3. To extract the yellow component take a full component of blue (255) and subtract the current value of blue but place it in the R and G components (R and G together makes yellow). For example, if your color is (48,253,80), you would extract the yellow component as:
  4. Notice that the R and G values were irrelevant in the yellow calculation. Formally, you can think of this calculation as:

  5. To complete this extra credit assignment, create three methods which extract the CMY channels similarly to your RGB methods in part III above. You should end up with images that look like this: