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  Lenz's Law Demonstration Tube

Demonstrate Lenz's Law with a magnet and aluminum tube.

Notes: Hold the aluminum tube by the grippy end (you may need to stand on a chair if you're vertically challenged.) First drop the non-magnetic mass through the tube; it will fall through rapidly in about ½ second. Next drop the magnetic mass through the tube; it will fall very slowly, taking over 5 seconds. The falling magnet produces a current in the tube, which in turn produces a magnetic field that opposes the field of the falling magnet; this opposing field slows the motion of the magnet.

LDL-D6. The rod is usually left between the rails from the old cabinet door to keep it from rolling away.

Image: 1.5-m aluminum tube with two masses: one mass is a magnet
Lenz's Law Demo


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    © St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 09 Nov 2018 Canton, NY 13617