Waves on a String
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
- What is the wave speed of a standing wave on a string?
- Note to Jeff: Ignore figure numbers!
- Drawing hint: draw left side block, then wave and then right side block
- For any wave: (Note to Jeff: Yes, you need Eqn. numbers!)
- For waves on a string:
{Eqn. 2} where T ≡ String Tension, μ ≡ linear density of the string
======================= Second Board Section =============================
- Drawing hint for Jeff: Draw internal buttons, etc. first, then draw the outer rectangle of the waveform generator

- Turn the Frequency knob slowly!
- Relationship between wavelength and string length, L {n = number of antinodes}:
======================= Third Board Section =============================
- Plot f vs. 1/λ
in Excel
- Graph with two different tensions (click for larger view):

- What is the wave speed? From {Eqn. 1} (show how these match up):
- f = v (1/λ)
- y = slope (x) + b
======================= Fourth Board Section =============================
- What is the value of μ?
- Calculate using this sample string (draw arrow to hanging string)

- Note: ℓ ≠ L!
- Calculate wave speed using {Eqn. 2}, compare to Excel results (for each Tension!)
- (If needed) Lab Evaluations - on front table
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Revised: 27 Nov 23
Canton, NY 13617