Data To A
Mathematical Function
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
- A lab practical skill!
- (Note to Jeff: keep to the color scheme for the graphs below)
- Model: x = vot + xo
- Do the data support the model?
- What are the best values of the model's parameters, (xo, vo)?
======================= Second Board Section =============================
- SSR = Sum of the Square of the Residuals (also known as Chi Square: χ2)
======================= Third Board Section =============================
- Calculating the best value of vo:
(where Σ means "sum")
- Calculating the Standard Error (S.E.)
(where N is the number of data points)
- Calculating the Uncertainty of a value
======================= Fourth Board Section =============================
- Use calculation table (pg. 3) to keep track of your numbers
- Avoid rounding errors - use the memory functions of your calculator
- State the slope as: vo = ___ +/- ___ {units} (point to and label value and uncertainty fields)
- Stay on track:
- 2:00 pm – start hand calculations
- 3:00 pm – start KaleidaGraph exercise
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Revised: 12 Sep 2023
Canton, NY 13617