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Ohm's Law
BlackBoard Notes

======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

blackboard image
Here's the original blackboard image, with resistor color codes explained

======================= First Board Section =============================

======================= Second Board Section =============================

Without meters:   With meters:
Circuit diagram w/o meters


Use a Ruler!

Circuit diagram

======================= Third Board Section =============================

======================= Third Board Section =============================

======================= Note: This section is no longer needed, but kept for historical significance! =============================

R = 50×10² Ω = 5 kΩ

Tolerance ≠ uncertainty!

Draw this table first!

Resistor Color Code:

0 – Black
1 – Brown
2 – Red
3 – Orange
4 – Yellow
5 – Green
6 – Blue
7 – Violet
8 – Gray
9 – White

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© St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
Revised: 03 Jun 2024 Canton, NY 13617