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Crystal Structure and Group Theory:
Using Symmetry Groups to Determine
Raman Active Modes of Vibration
Sarah Post '04


    An interesting tool that can be used to analyze the structure of crystals is that of Raman spectroscopy, in which a laser is directed at a sample and the energy is changed by the interaction with the vibrational phonons. This change in energy is displayed as a shift in the wavelength; often, with a visible light laser, the light that is shifted is still in the visible range. The vibrational modes of the crystal can be determined by studying the structure of the crystal; this is simplified using group theoretical methods and particularly the method of factor group analysis. In this paper, I will first discuss the phenomenon of Raman scattering and then derive the procedures of group theory used to analyze the crystal structure. I will then go through the analysis using several crystals including Sapphire, Diamond, and TiO2 whose spectrum will then be observed from the spectrometer.

   For more information, contact Dr. Catherine Jahncke:

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Revised: 07 May 2004 Canton, NY 13617