################### Logwatch 7.3.6+cvs20080702-debian (07/02/08) #################### Processing Initiated: Wed Sep 22 07:35:06 2010 Date Range Processed: yesterday ( 2010-Sep-21 ) Period is day. Detail Level of Output: 5 Type of Output/Format: mail / text Logfiles for Host: csfile ################################################################## --------------------- Cron Begin ------------------------ Commands Run: User logcheck: if [ -x /usr/sbin/logcheck ]; then nice -n10 /usr/sbin/logcheck; fi: 24 Time(s) User munin: if [ -x /usr/bin/munin-cron ]; then /usr/bin/munin-cron; fi: 288 Time(s) if [ -x /usr/share/munin/munin-limits ]; then /usr/share/munin/munin-limits --force --contact nagios --contact old-nagios; fi: 1 Time(s) User root: cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly: 24 Time(s) [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm: 48 Time(s) /usr/bin/rsnapshot daily: 1 Time(s) /usr/bin/rsnapshot hourly: 23 Time(s) /usr/local/bin/mirrorbuild.sh : 1 Time(s) [ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/home/rsharplocal/log: 144 Time(s) [ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd daily 2>/dev/null: 1 Time(s) [ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd hourly 2>/dev/null: 24 Time(s) if [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all ]; then /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all update 7200 12 >/dev/null; elif [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt ]; then /etc/munin/plugins/apt update 7200 12 >/dev/null; fi: 288 Time(s) rsync --delete --delete-excluded -a --exclude='*/.local/share/Trash/*' --exclude='*/.mozilla/firefox/*.default' root@csfile2:/home/stlawu /home > /dev/null && rsync --delete --delete-excluded -a root@csfile2:/usr/local/cs /usr/local > /dev/null: 1 Time(s) test -x /etc/init.d/anacron && /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron start >/dev/null: 1 Time(s) test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ): 1 Time(s) ---------------------- Cron End ------------------------- --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------ 4.13 MB transferred in 390 responses (1xx 0, 2xx 352, 3xx 30, 4xx 8, 5xx 0) 60 Archives (3.55 MB), 292 Content pages (0.08 MB), 10 Redirects (0.00 MB), 28 Other (0.50 MB) Requests with error response codes 405 Method Not Allowed /rhmart07: 2 Time(s) /sasout08: 3 Time(s) /sasout08/: 3 Time(s) ---------------------- httpd End ------------------------- --------------------- pam_unix Begin ------------------------ cron: Sessions Opened: root: 557 Time(s) munin: 289 Time(s) logcheck: 24 Time(s) samba: Unknown Entries: session opened for user STLAWU\rlock by (uid=0): 1 Time(s) ---------------------- pam_unix End ------------------------- --------------------- Postfix Begin ------------------------ ****** Summary ************************************************************************************* 51.174K Bytes accepted 52,402 103.889K Bytes sent via SMTP 106,382 154.289K Bytes forwarded 157,992 ======== ================================================ 3 Accepted 100.00% -------- ------------------------------------------------ 3 Total 100.00% ======== ================================================ 12 Removed from queue 6 Sent via SMTP 9 Forwarded ****** Detail ************************************************************************************** 6 Sent via SMTP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 gmail.com 3 stlawu.edu 9 Forwarded ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 csfile.stlawu.localhost ====================================================================================================================== Delays Percentiles 0% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 98% 100% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Pre qmgr 0.040 0.050 0.090 0.485 1.152 85.950 204.180 283.000 2: In qmgr 0.010 0.015 0.030 0.060 0.076 0.098 0.123 0.140 3: Connection setup 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.026 0.033 0.037 0.040 4: Xmit time 0.010 0.025 0.070 0.295 0.522 0.674 0.708 0.730 ====================================================================================================================== ---------------------- Postfix End ------------------------- --------------------- samba Begin ------------------------ Couldn't find services: Host: ( rlock : 1 Time(s) ---------------------- samba End ------------------------- --------------------- Sudo (secure-log) Begin ------------------------ ============================================================================== root => ehar_local (No such user) --------------------------------- ---------------------- Sudo (secure-log) End ------------------------- --------------------- Disk Space Begin ------------------------ Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md0 910G 135G 730G 16% / /dev/md1 917G 99G 773G 12% /backup ---------------------- Disk Space End ------------------------- ###################### Logwatch End #########################