Wal-Mart to the Rescue: Private Enterprise's Response to Hurricane Katrina. Presented at the 2008 APEE meetings in Las Vegas. PDF version.
The Sensory Order and Organizational Learning. Forthcoming in Advances in Austrian Economics special issue on The Sensory Order, vol. 16, 2009. PDF version.
Monetary Calculation and the Extension of Social Cooperation into Anonymity. Originally presented at the APEE meetings in 2003, this is now forthcoming in the Journal of Private Enterprise Education in 2008. PDF version of manuscript.
Analogous Models of Complexity: The Austrian Theory of Capital and Hayek's Theory of Cognition as Adaptive Classifying Systems. Forthcoming in Advances in Austrian Economics, 15, 2008. PDF version.
Markets, Maslow, and the Evolution of the Modern Family. Presented at the Social Philosophy and Policy Center at Bowling Green State University and to be presented at the Workshop in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. PDF version.
Is the Family a Spontaneous Order? Presented at the Atlas Foundation's “New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Social Orders,” conference in October 2007. PDF version.