# Here is one way to write a program that performs # the tasks described in the HW #1 guidelines. # Of course, there are many possible valid variations! import random print "Looks like your arithmetic skills are a bit rusty. Let's practice!" user = input ("Please enter a three-digit number: ") print "Now I will think of a secret number." number = random.randint(100,999) total = number + user print "The sum of our numbers is", total answer = input("Based on this information, what is my secret number? ") if number >= 500 and answer == number: print "Hey, not too shabby!" elif number >= 500 and answer != number: print "Well, not quite, but that was a tough question." elif number < 500 and answer == number: print "Good work, even though that was an easy one." else: print "Good grief! You need more practic." print "My secret number was", number print "The remainder when this number is divided by 13 is", number%13 print "The cube of my number is", number**3