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  Eddy Currents: Magnetic Braking

Demonstrate a magnetic brake.


A suspended sheet of aluminum (non-magnetic) is allowed to swing freely, like a pendulum. While the sheet is swinging, move a horseshoe magnet so that the sheet is moving between the poles. The sheet will stop swinging very rapidly.

Note that I used the smaller horseshoe magnet in the photos below; you might find the demo more satisfying if you use the large horseshoe magnet, since there is a larger separation between the magnet's poles, and they are less likely to hit the aluminum sheet. I was just lazy.


LDL-D6. Aluminum sheet. It's been left connected to the rods and base for awhile, and is generally found on the floor.
LDL-D6. Large horseshoe magnet

Image: Magnetic Brake
The aluminum sheet between poles of horseshoe magnet
Magnetic Brake
Oblique view. Use the larger horseshoe magnet so the
aluminum sheet won't hit the magnet while swinging


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    © St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 09 Nov 2018 Canton, NY 13617