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  Floating Magnets

Two separate plastic frames each contain two cylindrical magnets. In one frame, the top magnet will 'float' above the bottom magnet only when oriented one way. In the other frame, the top magnet will float above the bottom magnet no matter the orientation. Amazing!


Well, it would be amazing if it worked!


LDL-D4. The instructions are folded up in a small box labeled 'Wobbly Magnets'.

Image: Floating Magnet instructions

Floating Magnets
Tilt the top magnet to remove it from the frame. In the yellow frame, each magnet has two poles, so when it is oriented with like poles together, the top will appear to float above the bottom magnet, as shown above.

In the white frame, each magnet has three poles, so the orientation shouldn't matter; the top magnet will always float above the bottom one.

However, as seen in the photo above, the magnet in the white frame does not float above the bottom. I checked both magnets in the white frame, and they both still have 3 poles. Perhaps it doesn't work due to the age of this demo.

I included it here just because these have been lying on the shelves for many decades, and I only recently found the instructions so I could figure out the purpose of these things.


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    Revised: 09 Nov 2018 Canton, NY 13617