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Physics 104 Setup Details:
Ohm's Law - DC Circuits
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Stuff needed: two multimeters (with sticky notes),
small bulb and holder, resistor, LED, DC power supply,
wires (four 24", one 12")

Resistor, 7.5 v bulb in bulb holder with alligator clips, LED
The photos below show the components previously used:

Stuff needed: small bulb and holder,
two multimeters (with sticky notes),
box with resistor and LED, DC power supply,
wires (four 24", one 12")

7.5 v bulb, bulb holder, alligator clips

The connection ports on the black box

Contents of black box: large resistor (for experiment), LED with small resistor (to protect LED)

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© St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
Revised: 12 Jun 24 Canton, NY 13617