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SLU Physics Department Tour
Astronomy (Phys 101/102) Lab – Bewkes 232


Astro lab
Looks neat & clean with a new paint job
Astro lab
View toward the back of the room
Astro lab
Laptops for student use
Astro lab
The front wall – in dark blue!
Astro lab
M51 on the SmartBoard – ahhh …
Astro Lab
In the old days, with CRT's and network cables
dangling from the ceiling
Astro Lab
The view of the board (and the ugly green walls)
were blocked by the CRT's!
Observing Sunspots
Observing sunspots with the Astronomy class
24 October 2003
Observing sunspots
Two Jupiter–size groups. . .
Observing sunspots
. . . and lots of clouds


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© St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
Revised: 09 Nov 2018 Canton, NY 13617