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A case expression has the form
case <expr0> of 
    <id1> : <type1> => <expr1>; 
    . . .
    <idn> : <typen> => <exprn>; 
Case expressions provide runtime type tests on objects. First, expr0 is evaluated and its dynamic type C noted (if expr0 evaluates to void a run-time error is produced). Next, from among the branches the branch with the least type <typek> such that C $\leq$ <typek> is selected. The identifier <idk> is bound to the value of <expr0> and the expression <exprk> is evaluated. The result of the case is the value of <exprk>. If no branch can be selected for evaluation, a run-time error is generated. Every case expression must have at least one branch.

For each branch, let $\tt T_i$ be the static type of <expri>. The static type of a case expression is $\tt\bigsqcup_{1 \leq i \leq
n} T_i$. The identifier id introduced by a branch of a case hides any variable or attribute definition for id visible in the containing scope.

The case expression has no special construct for a ``default'' or ``otherwise'' branch. The same affect is achieved by including a branch

   x : Object => ...
because every type is $\leq$ to Object.

The case expression provides programmers a way to insert explicit runtime type checks in situations where static types inferred by the type checker are too conservative. A typical situation is that a programmer writes an expression $\tt e$ and type checking infers that $\tt e$ has static type $\tt P$. However, the programmer may know that, in fact, the dynamic type of $\tt e$ is always $\tt C$ for some $\tt C \leq P$. This information can be captured using a case expression:

case e of x : C => ...
In the branch the variable $\tt x$ is bound to the value of $\tt e$ but has the more specific static type $\tt C$.

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