Module Clflags

module Clflags: sig .. end

Command line flags

module Int_arg_helper: sig .. end

Optimization parameters represented as ints indexed by round number.

module Float_arg_helper: sig .. end

Optimization parameters represented as floats indexed by round number.

type inlining_arguments = {
   inline_call_cost : int option;
   inline_alloc_cost : int option;
   inline_prim_cost : int option;
   inline_branch_cost : int option;
   inline_indirect_cost : int option;
   inline_lifting_benefit : int option;
   inline_branch_factor : float option;
   inline_max_depth : int option;
   inline_max_unroll : int option;
   inline_threshold : float option;
   inline_toplevel_threshold : int option;
let classic_arguments: inlining_arguments;
let o1_arguments: inlining_arguments;
let o2_arguments: inlining_arguments;
let o3_arguments: inlining_arguments;
let use_inlining_arguments_set: (~round: int=?, inlining_arguments) => unit;

Set all the inlining arguments for a round. The default is set if no round is provided.

let objfiles: ref(list(string));
let ccobjs: ref(list(string));
let dllibs: ref(list(string));
let compile_only: ref(bool);
let output_name: ref(option(string));
let include_dirs: ref(list(string));
let no_std_include: ref(bool);
let print_types: ref(bool);
let make_archive: ref(bool);
let debug: ref(bool);
let debug_full: ref(bool);
let unsafe: ref(bool);
let use_linscan: ref(bool);
let custom_runtime: ref(bool);
let no_check_prims: ref(bool);
let bytecode_compatible_32: ref(bool);
let output_c_object: ref(bool);
let output_complete_object: ref(bool);
let output_complete_executable: ref(bool);
let all_ccopts: ref(list(string));
let classic: ref(bool);
let nopervasives: ref(bool);
let match_context_rows: ref(int);
let open_modules: ref(list(string));
let preprocessor: ref(option(string));
let all_ppx: ref(list(string));
let absname: ref(bool);
let annotations: ref(bool);
let binary_annotations: ref(bool);
let use_threads: ref(bool);
let noassert: ref(bool);
let verbose: ref(bool);
let noprompt: ref(bool);
let nopromptcont: ref(bool);
let init_file: ref(option(string));
let noinit: ref(bool);
let noversion: ref(bool);
let use_prims: ref(string);
let use_runtime: ref(string);
let plugin: ref(bool);
let principal: ref(bool);
let real_paths: ref(bool);
let recursive_types: ref(bool);
let strict_sequence: ref(bool);
let strict_formats: ref(bool);
let applicative_functors: ref(bool);
let make_runtime: ref(bool);
let c_compiler: ref(option(string));
let dllpaths: ref(list(string));
let make_package: ref(bool);
let for_package: ref(option(string));
let error_size: ref(int);
let float_const_prop: ref(bool);
let transparent_modules: ref(bool);
let unique_ids: ref(bool);
let locations: ref(bool);
let dump_source: ref(bool);
let dump_parsetree: ref(bool);
let dump_typedtree: ref(bool);
let dump_rawlambda: ref(bool);
let dump_lambda: ref(bool);
let dump_rawclambda: ref(bool);
let dump_clambda: ref(bool);
let dump_rawflambda: ref(bool);
let dump_flambda: ref(bool);
let dump_flambda_let: ref(option(int));
let dump_instr: ref(bool);
let keep_camlprimc_file: ref(bool);
let keep_asm_file: ref(bool);
let optimize_for_speed: ref(bool);
let dump_cmm: ref(bool);
let dump_selection: ref(bool);
let dump_cse: ref(bool);
let dump_live: ref(bool);
let dump_avail: ref(bool);
let debug_runavail: ref(bool);
let dump_spill: ref(bool);
let dump_split: ref(bool);
let dump_interf: ref(bool);
let dump_prefer: ref(bool);
let dump_regalloc: ref(bool);
let dump_reload: ref(bool);
let dump_scheduling: ref(bool);
let dump_linear: ref(bool);
let dump_interval: ref(bool);
let keep_startup_file: ref(bool);
let dump_combine: ref(bool);
let native_code: ref(bool);
let default_inline_threshold: float;
let inline_threshold: ref(Float_arg_helper.parsed);
let inlining_report: ref(bool);
let simplify_rounds: ref(option(int));
let default_simplify_rounds: ref(int);
let rounds: unit => int;
let default_inline_max_unroll: int;
let inline_max_unroll: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let default_inline_toplevel_threshold: int;
let inline_toplevel_threshold: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let default_inline_call_cost: int;
let default_inline_alloc_cost: int;
let default_inline_prim_cost: int;
let default_inline_branch_cost: int;
let default_inline_indirect_cost: int;
let default_inline_lifting_benefit: int;
let inline_call_cost: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let inline_alloc_cost: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let inline_prim_cost: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let inline_branch_cost: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let inline_indirect_cost: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let inline_lifting_benefit: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let default_inline_branch_factor: float;
let inline_branch_factor: ref(Float_arg_helper.parsed);
let dont_write_files: ref(bool);
let std_include_flag: string => string;
let std_include_dir: unit => list(string);
let shared: ref(bool);
let dlcode: ref(bool);
let pic_code: ref(bool);
let runtime_variant: ref(string);
let with_runtime: ref(bool);
let force_slash: ref(bool);
let keep_docs: ref(bool);
let keep_locs: ref(bool);
let unsafe_string: ref(bool);
let opaque: ref(bool);
let profile_columns: ref(list(Profile.column));
let flambda_invariant_checks: ref(bool);
let unbox_closures: ref(bool);
let unbox_closures_factor: ref(int);
let default_unbox_closures_factor: int;
let unbox_free_vars_of_closures: ref(bool);
let unbox_specialised_args: ref(bool);
let clambda_checks: ref(bool);
let default_inline_max_depth: int;
let inline_max_depth: ref(Int_arg_helper.parsed);
let remove_unused_arguments: ref(bool);
let dump_flambda_verbose: ref(bool);
let classic_inlining: ref(bool);
let afl_instrument: ref(bool);
let afl_inst_ratio: ref(int);
let function_sections: ref(bool);
let all_passes: ref(list(string));
let dumped_pass: string => bool;
let set_dumped_pass: (string, bool) => unit;
let dump_into_file: ref(bool);
type 'a env_reader = {
   parse : string -> 'a option;
   print : 'a -> string;
   usage : string;
   env_var : string;
let color: ref(option(Misc.Color.setting));
let color_reader: env_reader(Misc.Color.setting);
let error_style: ref(option(Misc.Error_style.setting));
let error_style_reader: env_reader(Misc.Error_style.setting);
let unboxed_types: ref(bool);
let insn_sched: ref(bool);
let insn_sched_default: bool;
module Compiler_pass: sig .. end
let stop_after: ref(option(Compiler_pass.t));
let should_stop_after: Compiler_pass.t => bool;
let set_save_ir_after: (Compiler_pass.t, bool) => unit;
let should_save_ir_after: Compiler_pass.t => bool;
let arg_spec: ref(list((string, Arg.spec, string)));
let add_arguments: (string, list((string, Arg.spec, string))) => unit;
let parse_arguments: (array(string), Arg.anon_fun, string) => unit;
let print_arguments: string => unit;
let reset_arguments: unit => unit;