module Char: Char;
let code: char => int;
Return the ASCII code of the argument.
let chr: int => char;
Return the character with the given ASCII code.
if the argument is
outside the range 0--255.let escaped: char => string;
Return a string representing the given character, with special characters escaped following the lexical conventions of OCaml. All characters outside the ASCII printable range (32..126) are escaped, as well as backslash, double-quote, and single-quote.
let lowercase: char => char;
Convert the given character to its equivalent lowercase character, using the ISO Latin-1 (8859-1) character set.
let uppercase: char => char;
Convert the given character to its equivalent uppercase character, using the ISO Latin-1 (8859-1) character set.
let lowercase_ascii: char => char;
Convert the given character to its equivalent lowercase character, using the US-ASCII character set.
let uppercase_ascii: char => char;
Convert the given character to its equivalent uppercase character, using the US-ASCII character set.
type t = char;
An alias for the type of characters.
let compare: (t, t) => int;
let equal: (t, t) => bool;
The equal function for chars.