Module Stdlib.Obj

module Obj: Obj;

type t;
type raw_data = nativeint;
let repr: 'a => t;
let obj: t => 'a;
let magic: 'a => 'b;
let is_block: t => bool;
let is_int: t => bool;
let tag: t => int;
let size: t => int;
let reachable_words: t => int;

Computes the total size (in words, including the headers) of all heap blocks accessible from the argument. Statically allocated blocks are excluded, unless the runtime system was configured with --disable-naked-pointers.

@Since 4.04

let field: (t, int) => t;
let set_field: (t, int, t) => unit;

When using flambda:

set_field MUST NOT be called on immutable blocks. (Blocks allocated in C stubs, or with new_block below, are always considered mutable.)

The same goes for set_double_field and set_tag. However, for set_tag, in the case of immutable blocks where the middle-end optimizers never see code that discriminates on their tag (for example records), the operation should be safe. Such uses are nonetheless discouraged.

For experts only: set_field et al can be made safe by first wrapping the block in Sys.opaque_identity, so any information about its contents will not be propagated.

let set_tag: (t, int) => unit;
let double_field: (t, int) => float;
let set_double_field: (t, int, float) => unit;
let raw_field: (t, int) => raw_data;
let set_raw_field: (t, int, raw_data) => unit;
let new_block: (int, int) => t;
let dup: t => t;
let truncate: (t, int) => unit;
let add_offset: (t, Int32.t) => t;
let with_tag: (int, t) => t;
let first_non_constant_constructor_tag: int;
let last_non_constant_constructor_tag: int;
let lazy_tag: int;
let closure_tag: int;
let object_tag: int;
let infix_tag: int;
let forward_tag: int;
let no_scan_tag: int;
let abstract_tag: int;
let string_tag: int;
let double_tag: int;
let double_array_tag: int;
let custom_tag: int;
let final_tag: int;
let int_tag: int;
let out_of_heap_tag: int;
let unaligned_tag: int;
module Closure: sig .. end
module Extension_constructor: sig .. end
let extension_constructor: 'a => extension_constructor;
let extension_name: extension_constructor => string;
let extension_id: extension_constructor => int;

The following two functions are deprecated. Use module Marshal instead.

let marshal: t => bytes;
let unmarshal: (bytes, int) => (t, int);
module Ephemeron: sig .. end