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  B Around a Straight Wire

Visually show the circular B around a straight segment of wire.


This demonstration is performed during the Phys104 Magnetic Fields experiment.

Connect the apparatus to a green LabVolt AC/DC power supply using wires and alligator clips. Connect the positive lead to the wire on loop labeled 'Up'. Arrange a bunch of compasses on the white board around the wire. Flip range switch UP (to Range A - 5A position), and turn the knob to position 4. Tell students the direction the current will be traveling, and ask them to use the right-hand-rule to predict the direction the compasses will point. Have them press the tap switch labeled Direct, which will send current up the 'Up' wire. Ask them what will happen to the compass directions when the current is reversed, then have them press the Reverse tap switch.


LDL-D6: Straight wire rig.
LDL-E6: LabVolt AC/DC power supply (ugly green)
NMSR: Small compasses
Wires, alligator clips
Reversing tap switch (stored with rig)

Images: B around straight wire
The Square Coil rig
Square Coil Compasses
Compass orientation while current is on

Square coil setup
. Use LabVolt power supply;
connect to DC side; flip range switch UP (5A position)
Set knob to '5'

Tap switch to allow easy reversal of current

Note connections of double-tap switch. Color-code wires to banana connectors.
Connect power supply to "Bat.", and coil to 'App." Red connects to copper UP wire
square coil


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    Revised: 28 Feb 2020 Canton, NY 13617