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Physics 104 Set Up Instructions:
Magnetic Fields
Lab Directions
BlackBoard Notes

Basic Idea:

Number of setups: Equipment Needed (each setup):

  What: How Many: Where:
The equipment below is used to set up individual experiments,
shared by everyone. See the picture for setup location
Bar Magnet Stations (2 setups)
Small Compass 40 each non-Majors storeroom, shelf JJ4
Bar magnet 1 each Locked in steel cabinet
Bar magnet paper template 1 each Print two copies of this template
Extra bar magnets (place as shown in map below) 6 or 8 Locked in steel cabinet
Extra Small Compasses (place box on instructor's table) The whole box non-Majors storeroom, shelf JJ4
Small Coil Rig
Small Yellow Coil Rig (mounted on 2×6's)
1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf P4
Double pole, double throw (DPDT) knife switch (to reverse current) 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf P4 (with apparatus)
Wires (Four)

Two 12" - Red & Black
One 24" - Red
One 48" - Black

Bewkes 231 (Phys 152 Lab)
Small Compass 33 non-Majors storeroom, shelf JJ4
40v DC Power supply photo 1 Majors storeroom, shelf C3
Large Solenoid
Digital Multimeter photo
(1 ammeter, 1 voltmeter)
2 Majors storeroom, locked in steel cabinet
Pasco Air Coil Solenoid
(N = 560 turns)
1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf P4
40v DC Dual Power supply 1 Majors storeroom, shelf C3
Wires (Five) Two 12" - Red
Three 24" - 1 Red & 2 Black
Bewkes 231 (Phys 152 Lab)
Plastic Ruler 1 Grab one from front of lab
Square Coil
Square coil 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf P4
Double tap switch (to reverse current) 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf P4 (with apparatus)
LabVolt AC/DC
power supply photo
1 Majors storeroom, shelf C3
Wire (Four) Two 12" - Red
Two 12" - Black
Bewkes 231 (Phys 152 Lab)
Alligator clips photo 2 Majors storeroom, shelf B2
Small Compass 34 non-Majors storeroom, shelf JJ4
Horseshoe magnet - "Jumping Wire Demo"
LabVolt AC/DC
power supply photo photo
1 Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
Large horseshoe magnet (1.0 kG) 1 Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
(Note: this is a special wire for this
experiment; see photo on details page)
1 Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
Tap switch 1 Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
Small piece of 4×4 1 Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
Quarters: U.S. & Canadian Whatever's there Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
Wire (12") 1 Bewkes 231 (Phys 152 Lab)
Additional Demo stuff
Iron filings suspended in silicon oil 1 Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
Cylindrical magnets for iron filings gizmo 1 Lecture/demo room (Valentine 205A)
Old computer & CRT display ("Magneto") 1 non-Majors storeroom, shelf LL5


Bewkes 204



Bar Magnet



square coil



Shorting a wire through a horseshoe magnet

The following configurations are for the old solenoid;
They are kept here out of a sense of nostalgia




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    © St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 03 Mar 25 Canton, NY 13617