Bewkes 231 setup (3 computers) |

Room setup, computers #1 and #2 |

Computer #2. Motion detector sits on edge of bench facing aisle |

For setups inside the lab, the motion detector can simply stand on the bench. No clamp required. |

Flip up the top portion and set all motion detectors to 'human' mode! |

Place drafting board, meter stick and 30-m tape on bench near each setup (or on hallway carts) |

Computer #3 on the sink. It's better to sit on something, such as the cart and overhead projector, to move away from the board |

Need 6' extension cord or power strip |
Hallway setup (3 computers) |

Computers #4, 5, 6: three carts in hallway |

Computer #4. Use wooden computer carts.
Power comes from hallway
(motion detector attachement shown is no longer used) |

Motion detector mounted on cart;
It's a lot easier to use a wood platform than a clamp!
#4 & 6 are mounted on right side of cart, #5 on left side |

Computer #5. Motion detector mounted on left side. |

Power for computer #5 comes from Bewkes 204 via 25' extension cord |

Computer #6. Power in hallway |
Bewkes 202 setup (2 computers) |

If needed, two additional setups in Bewkes 202 |

Computer #7. Note motion detector on wood platform.
Make sure it sits above left-handle of drawer

A wood platform is needed for #7 and #8 to clear bench obstructions |

Computer #8 on instructor's sink |