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The Laws of Faraday & Lenz (104)
BlackBoard Notes

======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

blackboard image

======================= First Board Section =============================

  • Induce current in a coil by changing the magnetic flux, φB
  • Note: Exit quiz eliminated, Spring 2023, so this isn't needed => Determine the polarity of an unknown magnet.

    Faraday's Law

    ======================= Second Board Section =============================

    galvanometer circuit
    Which direction does the needle point? (Right or Left?)

    ======================= Third Board Section =============================


    ======================= Fourth Board Section =============================

    (The Exit Quiz was eliminated in Spring 2023, so the following isn't needed. In its place, attach one of the magnet warning posters from last week's lab on the blackboard)
  • Return to Setup

    ©Jeffrey R. Miller St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 07 Mar 25 Canton, NY 13617