The Laws of Faraday & Lenz (104)
BlackBoard Notes
======================= Photo - Click for a Larger Version =============================

======================= First Board Section =============================
Induce current in a coil by changing the magnetic flux, φB
Note: Exit quiz eliminated, Spring 2023, so this isn't needed => Determine the polarity of an unknown magnet.

- Lenz: Direction of the induced I resists the change in φB
======================= Second Board Section =============================
- Galvanometer: Detects presence and direction of I

Which direction does the needle point? (Right or Left?)
======================= Third Board Section =============================
- (Write the following on sketch!)
- Needle direction? (Right or Left)
- Bar magnet - move in/out halfway through coil!
- Large coil
- Bar magnet:
- Eight sketches on worksheet!
- Confirm results with right hand rule!!
- Electromagnet (small coil):
======================= Fourth Board Section =============================
- In all cases, what is the relationship between the change in φB (increasing or decreasing) and the directions of B and BInd (same direction or opposite direction)?
(The Exit Quiz was eliminated in Spring 2023, so the following isn't needed. In its place, attach one of the magnet warning posters from last week's lab on the blackboard)
- Exit quiz:
- By yourself! No notes, no compass!
- Use Faraday & Lenz to find the north pole of an unknown bar magnet
- Explain your reasoning!
- Same galvanometer, different coil and connection!
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Revised: 07 Mar 25
Canton, NY 13617