Conducting paper mounted on foam board
1 |
Majors storeroom, shelf E1
Meter probe (red) |
1 |
Majors storeroom, hanging in the center aisle |
36" or 48" black wire |
1 |
Bewkes 231 (Phys 152 Lab) |
Digital multimeter  |
1 |
Majors storeroom, locked in steel cabinet |
9-volt DC battery |
1 |
non-Majors storeroom, shelf L3 |
Place two extra multimeters on small bench by the sink (for spares) |
Digital Multimeter  |
2 |
Majors storeroom, locked in steel cabinet |
The following components are installed under the front bench;
Ask Jeff if we're using Two single- or One Dual-power supply! |
Either: Dual power supply |
1 |
Majors storeroom, shelf C2 |
Or: 40v regulated power supply  |
2 |
Majors storeroom, shelf C2 |
Digital Multimeter  |
1 |
Majors storeroom, shelf A3 |
Wires |
12" 2 (black)
24" 2 (1 black, 1 red)
48" 3 (2 black, 1 red) |
Bewkes 231 (Phys 152 Lab) |