Social Responsibility

To be successful, business leaders of tomorrow must be mindful of the full implications of their products and services, work environments, and relationship to the communities where they find themselves. As such, students are required to take courses that challenge them to think through all the implications of business decisions as well as evaluate the implicit values in the seeking of profit. Future business leaders educated at St. Lawrence University will be voices for more holistic decision-making that balances civic obligation, environmental sustainability, and profitability.

AAH 256
ANTH 205
ANTH 425
BIOL 121
BIOL 221
BIOL 258
BIOL 330
BIOL 360
CHEM 306
ECON 234
ECON 308
ECON 315
ECON 384
EDUC 203
EDUC 305
ENG 201
ENG 273
ENG 295
ENG 346
ENVS 101
ENVS 105
ENVS 110
ENVS 112
ENVS 213
ENVS 216
ENVS 221
ENVS 231
ENVS 257
ENVS 273
ENVS 275
ENVS 295
ENVS 306
ENVS 310
ENVS 318
ENVS 343
ENVS 377
ENVS 380
FILM 335
GEOL 103
GEOL 110
GEOL 207
GOVT 105
GOVT 303
GOVT 314
GOVT 316
GOVT 365
GOVT 343
GS 255
GS 273
GS 324
GS 365
HIST 104
HIST 110
HIST 272
HIST 273
PEAC 100
PCA 239
PCA 329
PCA 334
PCA 336
PHIL 203
PHIL 301
PHIL 310
PHYS 105
PHYS 107
PHYS 110
PHYS 112
PSYC 313
PSYC 318
PSYC 413
REL 102
REL 103
SOC 161
SOC 187
SOC 216
SOC 233
SOC 236
SOC 253
SOC 275