Pre-Season Training

These plans are representative of typical training weeks in the late summer and early fall. Make sure to stay hydrated and bring plenty of anti-bonk for the workout and afterwards. The 30 minutes post workout is the most important time for building muscles (so eat protein) and rebuilding glycogen stores (so eat carbs). Even though it's still hot out, it's important to bring a towel and dry clothes for post workout. The devil is in the details! Corny I know, but paying attention to the little stuff can make a big difference!

Training Recommendations: August 27th - October 24th

For some of you this will seem to be a lot of training and so you should be doing toward the lower end of the hours, perhaps less. It really depends on how consistently you have been training up to this point and at what volumes. For others you may actually need to do more than the upper end if your training plan calls for it. I have simply tried to hit a middle ground here that will cover most of you.
- Ethan Townsend

Local Area Map:

This area map may be useful to freshman.

Training from Canton:

These are descriptions of training routes that start (and hopefully end!) in Canton.

Example Training Weeks:

These weekly plans are ideas. Use them for inspiration. Get creative!

Freshmen and Sophmores:

Juniors and Seniors:


Pre-Season General Endurance Strength


Classic and Skate Exercises

N.B. Example training weeks used (with the assumed) courtesey of Jenny Townsend