Welcome to the unofficial St. Lawrence University Nordic ski team website. The official site is located here .
This webspace is a resource for athletes (and parents!) and will feature training schedules, travel plans, team news etc. Feel free to request information, make suggestions, or get on my case if I don't update regularly! Athlete and parent submissions will also be entertained (photos are particuraly appreciated).
Training for Jan 28 - Feb 3 is posted.
Training for Jan 21 - Jan 27 is posted.
Carnival results can be found at www.eisaskiing.org . Also, make sure to check the BartTiming site for lap times et cetera.
St. Lawrence University
Lake Placid, NY
Schedule of Skiing Events
Thursday, January 17th
12:00-5pm XC course inspection Mt. Van Hoevenberg
(Biathlon Trails)
7:00 pm Alpine & Nordic Coaches Meeting Crowne Plaza
Friday, January 18th
10:00 am Women’s 5K Freestyle Mt. Van Hoevenberg
Biathlon Trails (2x 2.5K)
9:30 am Women’s GS 1st run Whiteface Mt.
10:30 am Men’s GS 1st run Thruway/Draper’s Drop
11:30 am Men’s 10K Freestyle Mt. Van Hoevenberg
Biathlon Trails (3 x 3.3K)
1:00 pm Women’s GS 2nd run Whiteface Mt.
1:45 pm Men’s GS 2nd run Thruway/Draper’s Drop
4:00 pm Alpine Coaches Meeting NYSEF Building
Whiteface Mt.
Saturday, January 19th
9:00 am Men’s 20K Classic Mt. Van Hoevenberg
Biathlon Trails (6 x 3.3K)
9:30 am Men’s SL 1st run Whiteface Mt.
10:30 am Women’s SL 1st run Draper’s Drop
11:30 am Women’s 15K Classic Mt. Van Hoevenberg
Biathlon Trails (4 x 3.3K)
12:30 pm Men’s SL 2nd run Whiteface Mt.
1:15 pm Women’s SL 2nd run Draper’s Drop
U.S National Championship Trip Itinerary has been posted in the "Travel" section.
Training for the exam and break period is posted here .
Also, for those of you who are planning on attending the camp in Canada, I would appreciate if you would
all email me your travel plans. If you are planning on coming back to Canton on the 1st, or if you
are planning on meeting us in Quebec, I need to know. Ideally I would have this information prior to
leaving for home in order that I can post it on the webpage. This way I can be sure to account for everyone.
This would probably save Ethan a lot of phone calls from parents as well! Thanks!
Results from the classic time trial at Higley can be found here .
The itinerary for the Canada camp and the information about lodging at the carnivals has been posted in the travel section.
Training for December 10 - December 16 is posted. Results for the NYSEF open can also be found here: NYSEF Opener
We are pleased to announce that the thanksgiving camp has been moved to Canada. (Regretfully we also have to announce the cancellation of the West Yellowstone Trip. Maybe we should start worrying about this global warming thing!!!)
This week is important for several reasons. It is important to get in some hard training, but not over-do it prior to the Yellowstone trip. Get your school work done, etc! For those not traveling to Yellowstone and plan to take some easy days during the break, you can afford to train a little more and harder this week.
November 5 - November 11 training plan has been posted. Please notice the change in time on Wednesday. Now that daylight is more limited we will be trying to get started earlier, so try to check the schedule regurally.
Results from the Skate Time Trial.
A little breathing room after last week. Take advantage of the easier sessions at the beginning of the week, because the second half of this week is going to be tough.
October 22 - 28 training plan has been posted.
I hope everyone enjoyed their break and got plenty of rest ('cus it's back to the grind).
This week's training plan has been posted. This will be a tough week. Try to keep that in mind.
Man that Quadathlon was hectic! Those of you how raced, nice work. In particular
I think Caitlin and Ben had remarkable performances in the swim (5th overall in a field with many swimmers)
and the bike (winning by almost 1:30 in a 5 mile race) respectively.
Results can be found on the intramurals website.
Enjoy your break.
Suggested training for the mid-semester break has been posted:
October 8th - October 14th
Life couldn't be better (without snow), huh?
St. Regis results. Check 'em out!
Specific Strength results have also been updated to include historic results.
Updated Specific Strength
New and Improved strength testing: Updated to include your essential
Hunter, Zach, and Hannah. Part of a complete breakfast!
Training for October 1st to October 7th is now posted. A little more volume, a little more intensity. Alright!
Nice work in the 3k.
The first week's training plan can be found under the Training heading.
Also of interest:
Registration for the NYSEF Whiteface hill climb rollerski race is now open.
More information can be found on the NYSEF website.
This looks a tough event, but something that would probably be worth doing.
If you are around during this period I would encourage you to participate.
A few more new photos
have been added to the "Posterity Collection."
Also courtesy of Paul Lepesqueur.
Alumni xc running results.
Congratulations to all the participants in the Alumni XC race.
Despite being a little hot, people put in a good effort.
From my perspective it looked like the "pack running" paid off .
It was good to see Zach, Hunter, and Vargo working/battling together during the middle of the race.
New Photos
have been added to the "Posterity Collection."
Courtesy of Paul Lepesqueur.

Knut-Eric Joslin
N.B. I'm still working on some logos and a better style sheet. Suggestions on color schemes and logo design are welcome!