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  The Jumping Wire

See the force exerted on a current-carrying wire.


This experiment is included in the Phys 104 College Physics lab about Magnetism.

  • Place a wood block between the magnet poles to support the wire. Connect the wires and tap switch to + (red) and – (black) terminals of the LabVolt AC/DC Power Supply. Flip range switch UP (to Range A - 5A position). Use the right hand rule to predict the direction of the force that the current-carrying wire will experience in an external magnet field (up or down). Set knob to around 7 or 8; press tap switch momentarily and see that your prediction was correct. Reverse the direction of the wire (to change the direction of the current) and see that the force is in the opposite direction (down or up).

LDL-D6. Large Horseshoe magnet, chunk of 4×4, long wire and tap switch.
LDL-E6. LabVolt AC/DC power supply

Images: large horseshoe magnet
Large horseshoe magnet
Labvolt Power supply
Lab-Volt AC/DC power supply
Jumping Wire
Place block between magnet poles to support the wire. Connect wires and
tap switch to + and – terminals. Flip range switch UP (to Range A - 5A
position). Set knob to around 7 or 8; press tap switch momentarily
Jumping wire
The wire is draped between the magnet poles. The direction of the current with respect to the external B determines the direction of the force on the wire. In the photo above, the wire will jump upward if I is towards you, and will attempt to move downward if I is away from you
Jumping Wire
Jumping Wire
Right-hand rule to predict direction wire jumps.
Use your favorite variation
Jumping wire
Right-hand rule to predict direction wire jumps.
Use your favorite variation


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    © St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 09 Nov 2018 Canton, NY 13617