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  LabVolt AC/DC Power Supply

A portable power supply that has a slo-blo, 3.2A fuse on the AC side, and resettable circuit breakers for DC


We own two of these power supplies; one lives in the lecture-demo room, the other in the Major's stockroom.

This power supply has many demonstration uses, specifically for the Jumping Wire demo and examining the B Around a Straight Wire (which is performed in Phys104 lab). The Range switch allows you to select from two DC voltage/current ranges. Note that each range has its own breaker labeled 'Reset'; simply press the button to reset the breaker:

  • Range A: 0 – 15V, 5A
  • Range B: 0 – 6V, 10A

LDL-E6. Careful – it's pretty heavy!

Image: AC current is supplied on the left side (yellow connectors), DC on the right side (red/black). Note that there is no on/off switch; simply turn the knob down to zero.
Labvolt Power supply


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    ©SLU Physics St. Lawrence University Department of Physics
    Revised: 09 Nov 2018 Canton, NY 13617