CS-332: Web Programming

Fall 2021


Projects will be added here as the semester progresses.

P1: Static Content and Styling

In this first project, you will focus on developing the static content and styling of the site. You will gain familiarity with the Bootstrap toolkit while completing this assignment.

Most web applications require a user interface for interactive usage. Because this is not a graphic design class, we will rely on pre-made styling for a majority of SlugFest. For this project, you will attempt to recreate a set of pages based off of the provided specification and images depicting the target design goal.

P2: Dynamically Generated Content

In this second project, you will work individually to add dynamic content to your user interface from Project 1. You will gain experience programming in JavaScript, manipulating the DOM, and using asynchronous fetch.

You will be given a collection of JSON files containing the information for SlugFest to display. It is your job to recreate many of the pages from Project 1 using this information.

P3: Express and RESTful APIs

In this third project, you will work in teams of up to four students to create a RESTful API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. You will gain experience programming in JavaScript, querying MongoDB, and using asynchronous programming techniques.

Your task is to build all of the necessary backend functionality to support the pages you developed for Projects 1 and 2. This project contains a nontrivial RESTful API specification for you to implement. To receive the highest possible grade on this project, your team must also refactor code from Project 2 to interface with your programmatic backend.