
Date Lecture Topic(s) Homework (for next class)
2023-12-04 28 ToDoApp Front-End Updates
Check-in 1
Course Evaluations
  • Project 3 due December 13
    • Checkpoint 1: December 4
    • Checkpoint 2: December 6
2023-11-30 27 Exam 2
  • Project 3 due December 13
    • Checkpoint 1: December 4
    • Checkpoint 2: December 6
  • Bonus: Attend Q-Club Thursday 2023-11-30 @ 4:00pm
    • Bloomer Auditorium
    • Find me to scan QR code for feedback form that unlocks bonus points!
2023-11-27 26 Cookies
Password Authentication
2023-11-15 25 ToDo App Queries
Front-End Updates
RESTful Interfaces
2023-11-13 24 MongoDB queries
ToDo App Queries
  • Readings:
    • None
  • Bonus: Attend Q-Club Wednesday 2023-11-15 @ 4:15pm
    • Bloomer Auditorium
    • Find me to scan QR code for feedback form that unlocks bonus points!
2023-11-08 23 Queries and CRUD operation
Server-Side APIs
2023-11-06 22 MongoDB
Queries and CRUD operation
2023-11-01 21  Warm-Up Exercise
2023-10-30 20 Expres web servers
Generating Random ToDo Items
  • Project 2 due November 6
  • Readings:
    • None
2023-10-25 19  Warm-Up Exercise
Web Servers
2023-10-23 18 Node.js Debrief
Coding Practice Time
  • Project 2 due November 6
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 13 (Gradescope)
2023-10-18 17 async and await
Basic Input/Output
  • Project 2 due November 6
  • Finish up GitHub Task
    • For a given username, list out repo information and provide links to each repo
    • Be sure to add a GitHub authorization token to your fetch requests ("Authorization: Bearer GH_TOKEN"). Create a classic token without any additional authorizations checked.
    • Submit to Gradescope, groups up to size 3
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 11 (Gradescope) (extended)
  • Reading Quiz 12 (Gradescope)
2023-10-16 16 Fetch API
GitHub Users API
  • Finish up GitHub Task
    • For a given username, list out repo information and provide links to each repo
    • Be sure to add a GitHub authorization token to your fetch requests ("Authorization: Bearer GH_TOKEN"). Create a classic token without any additional authorizations checked.
    • Submit to Gradescope, groups up to size 3
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 11 (Gradescope)
2023-10-11 15 Asynchronous programming
Fetch API
2023-10-09 14 Exam 1
2023-10-04 13 JSON
Local Storage
Exam Review
  • Study for Exam 1
  • Readings:
    • Review assigned readings for exam
2023-10-02 12 Todo List App Tweaks
Objects in JavaScript
Constructor Functions
Prototype-based Inheritance
  • Begin Studying for Exam 1
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 10 (Gradescope)
  • Finish up task and submit to gradescope (groups up to size 3)
2023-09-27 11 Building a To Do List App
HTML Forms
Task: generate a random color pattern (provide form fields to allow the user to choose dimensions of the grid)
  • Readings:
  • Upload photos from Data Science talk
    • Worth 5 points
    • Take a selfie with the presentation in the background (not during the talk, please)
  • Finish up task and submit to gradescope (groups up to size 3)
2023-09-25 10 Warm-up: List classes from SLU Catalog
Building a To Do List App
  • Project 1 (Overdue)
  • Readings:
    • None
  • Attend the Data Science for Social Justice talk (2023-09-25 @ 7:30pm)
    • Worth 5 points
    • Take a selfie with the presentation in the background (not during the talk, please)
2023-09-20 9 Manipulating the DOM
Burlington Weather Observations
Building a To Do List App
2023-09-18 8 Higher-Order Functions Practice (Continued)
Manipulating the DOM
Burlington Weather Observations
2023-09-13 7 Functions in JavaScript
Higher-Order Functions
Coding Practice
Random Strings
2023-09-11 6 A bit more Bootstrap
Bootstrap Example
JavaScript Introduction
Scripting vs General-Purpose Languages
Types in JavaScript
  • Project 1 (due 2023-09-20)
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 5 extended now that grades are published (Gradescope)
  • Reading Quiz 6 (Gradescope)
2023-09-06 5 Positioning:
  • Static
  • Relative
  • Absolute
  • Fixed
2023-09-04 4 Positioning:
  • Flexbox
2023-08-30 3 Warmup: Mocking with Figma
Cascading Style Sheets
2023-08-28 2 HTTP requests
Web Applications
Mocking with Figma
2023-08-23 1 Introduction
Web architecture overview
HTTP requests