Module Mutex

module Mutex: sig .. end

Locks for mutual exclusion.

Mutexes (mutual-exclusion locks) are used to implement critical sections and protect shared mutable data structures against concurrent accesses. The typical use is (if m is the mutex associated with the data structure D):

     Mutex.lock m;
     (* Critical section that operates over D *);
     Mutex.unlock m

type t;

The type of mutexes.

let create: unit => t;

Return a new mutex.

let lock: t => unit;

Lock the given mutex. Only one thread can have the mutex locked at any time. A thread that attempts to lock a mutex already locked by another thread will suspend until the other thread unlocks the mutex.

let try_lock: t => bool;

Same as Mutex.lock, but does not suspend the calling thread if the mutex is already locked: just return false immediately in that case. If the mutex is unlocked, lock it and return true.

let unlock: t => unit;

Unlock the given mutex. Other threads suspended trying to lock the mutex will restart. The mutex must have been previously locked by the thread that calls Mutex.unlock.