Training September 24th to September 30th

This week will be focusing primarily on testing. While a certain amount of anxiety is to be expected you need to keep this in perspective. The purpose of the tests is to primarily track year to year fitness gains. There is also the secondary purpose of team selection; however your prior season results will always trump the tests. Mostly the standards that have been set forth are to give incoming students something to shoot for and ensure that all those that we keep on the roster can safely and competently train with the team. If you are sick or injured do not push through this week, that will be counterproductive, simply let me know and we can work it out.

Endurance- 9-10hours
Intensity- .75-1hour


Day off, some like to do an easy distance day of around 1hour. This is fine if you are feeling good and have the time. An optional general strength session here is also a possibility.


PM- 4:30, 3K running time trial on track, 1.5hr


PM- 4:30, Distance Classic Rollerski, 1.25-1.75hr


AM- 6:30, General strength orientation for freshmen, all others on your own later if you would prefer. ~1hr
PM- 4:30, Distance run with technique progressions and spenst, 1.5hr


PM- 3:00, Distance run and game, 1-1.25hr


AM- 8:00am, Specific Strength test at Browns Bridge, 1.5-1.75hr
11:30-2pm SLUSKI family weekend picnic (meet by tennis courts, rain location of Leithead Fieldhouse

PM- 3:00pm optional general strength session

Sunday (Drivers needed if we want to do something off campus)

AM- 9am, Easy Distance Run 2-2.5hr
Can also go later on your own