Competition Period

Training For Jan 28 - Feb 3

SLUSKI Nordic Training

Jan 28 – Feb 3


That was a real solid week of training, now we need to recover and get/be healthy.  If you are sick please discuss this with me and or Knut.


All ski workouts are at Higley unless otherwise specified.


Endurance: ~7 hrs

Intensity: ~ .5 -.75 hrs



Off or easy run/ski 1hr and stretch on your own.  You can also do the maintenance strength here be sure to warm up well and stretch first.  Fitness center Strength and Conditioning room is open for all athletes between 8 and 4pm.



3:30pm, Team Meeting at 3pm outside ski room in Fieldhouse

- Skate intervals, 7-10 x 30 sec on 1 min off, mostly on flat and downhill terrain focus on high tempo and speed.

5:15/30ish, General strength maintenence about 30-45min.



Vans at 2:30 and 3:30, you will be expected at a certain time.

- Classic easy distance unless conditions are poor for this, maybe skate instead. 1-1.25hr



Departure at Noon for Carnival team, course inspection with pickups 5-10 x 30-45sec with 1-2min rest.

- JOQ racers easy distance classic or skate 1-1.5hr



Classic Race, 10K mass start (seeded)

-JOQ racers course inspection if possible with 5-10 x 30 sec pickups (take 1-2min between each)



Sprint Race, Skate

-JOQ racers 5K Skate race, be sure to cool down 20-30min



Distance Classic or Skate 1.5hrs

JOQ racers 10K classic race